152XUM.ZIP 22,164 05-01-92 Manual for adaptec 152x scsi adapters.
154XA.ZIP 77,779 04-04-92 Adaptec manual for the 1540A and 1542A SCSIadaptors.
154XATR.ZIP 77,785 05-01-92 Tech manual for 154x-a adaptec scsi adapters.
1640TR.ZIP 77,903 05-01-92 Tech manual for 164x adaptec scsi adapters.
1740TR.ZIP 127,753 05-01-92 Tech manual for 174x adaptec scsi adapters.
1SEAGAT2.ZIP 214,070 07-16-92 All Seagate Drives: 7/1/92 Pretty completespecs
413TOA.ZIP 11,894 05-28-92 Patch to convert PC-Kwik v4.13 to v4.13a;
4MATAB03.ZIP 92,969 10-10-92 Makes formatting disks quicker and easier.
4MMOS2.ZIP 14,748 10-16-92 Driver for 2GB Tape Drive under Sytos +.
ACAT142.ZIP 155,925 04-12-92 AUTOCAT v1.42: floppy diskette cataloging,database system; 04/12/92; Martin G. Walker/
ADCCPY12.ZIP 43,313 06-19-92 ADCCOPY v1.2: cmd-line driven diskcopy utilthat uses the hard disk (or optionally, aram disk) to store a disk image file toeliminate disk swapping; ideal for makingmultiple copies; 06/19/92; AzTechDevelopment Co.
ALLATBUS.ZIP 85,144 06-11-92 Seagate Drive Info For at Type Computers. Expanded since original 1990 release.
ALLDISK2.ZIP 6,816 04-05-92 Carries out a command on entire hard disk.
ALLLENS.ZIP 6,097 05-02-92 Does depth-first recursive search of fileson a drive, printing out length, path andname. Good for spotting disk hogs. Csource included. Public Domain.
ANAD207.ZIP 134,344 09-03-92 Utility for examining, editing, andanalyzing diskettes.
ASPITAPE.ZIP 86,448 08-12-92 SCSI tape driver for Adaptec/DOS Tarprograms you will also need a PC/DOS versionof tar
ATBIOS12.ZIP 70,604 08-01-92 AT-BIOS v1.2: provides a screen listing orprintout of the BIOS hard drive tablesduring installation of MFM/RLL drives.
BACKAD1.ZIP 37,135 12-10-92 Backup Advisor monitors hard drives andadvises the user when to back up thedrive(s). This is a minor fix to the textfile.
BACKIT11.ZIP 49,293 08-26-92 Daily backup program, freeware from EricJarrett, copies into matching directories onfloppy
BIOSBNCH.ZIP 163,704 04-03-92 Test Your Ide Drive For Specs
BOOTCH31.ZIP 15,246 07-03-92 Bootchk v3.1: keeps a record of the last 20dates/times when your computer was bootedup, useful to track when you used thecomputer or to know when someone else usedyour computer;
CAVR2.ZIP 15,781 10-18-92 Info WDAC140/280 Western Digital CAVIAR IDEs
CDFREQ10.ZIP 90,675 10-11-92 Run CHKDSK in autoexec, you control thefrequency - once a day, once a week, etc. instead of on every boot.
CDISK632.ZIP 258,879 09-18-92 CATDISK ver.6.32 is a disk cataloger by RickHillier. ASP. Many features and supports4DOS descriptions. Comments up to 43 chars.
CDMENU20.ZIP 37,118 08-13-92 CDMENU v2.0: simple pgm that provides a niceway to present a list of CDROM systems,allowing you to place up to 16 variousentries on the menu screen; utilizeserrorlevels; 08/13/92; Clyde W. Grotophorst.
CDROM_08.ZIP 6,256 09-08-92 Latest Cdrom driver for the In2000 fromAllways.
CDU_V120.ZIP 343,380 07-26-92 CDU is a collection of utilities that can beused with Rick Hillier's CATDISK (version6.30 and up).
CFGCYRIX.ZIP 5,674 09-18-92 CfgCyrix v1.0: device driver that will allowyou to upgrade your 386DX-based system totake advantage of the new, inexpensivei486like Cyrix Cx486DLC CPU;TechGuys SW
CHKSPACE.ZIP 3,281 10-23-92 Utility to compare disk space needed to diskspace available prior to installation. Tobe used from within DOS batch files.
CPYQ302B.ZIP 93,281 09-14-92 CopyQM v3.02 from Sydex. Slight bug fix. Copy a Master Diskette to many blank disks
CRE8UNIX.ZIP 75,309 08-25-92 This is the latest SCO UNIX driver =>3.2.4(08-25-92) for the IN-2000 From AlwaysTechnology.
CT43C.ZIP 107,808 07-09-92 Cache Test v4.3C - Test Drive Cache - Update
DAMENU12.ZIP 137,740 05-01-92 menu mouse ega dos password screensaverDAMENU - DOS Application MENuing UtilityV1.2 ░▒▓█ ASP Shareware █▓▒░ An easy to usehard disk menuing utility that featuresmouse support, password protection forapplications and "Exit to DOS", a built inscreen blanker, and no memory overhead (Notmemory resident)! Easy installation andon-the-fly menu addition/modification. Loadapplications
DASBOOT.ZIP 279,325 05-19-92 .MOD Music file for ModPlay/Sound Blaster
DATEBACK.ZIP 18,987 09-30-92 DATEBACK DATED FILE BACKUP UTILITY DATEBACKrenames files in batch files to reflect thetime and datestamp of when the file wasrenamed. Usefull utility. Earliest file8-30-92 The Gap Chasm BBS (609)467-0244
DF261.ZIP 67,738 09-19-92 Diskette to File Image Utility v2.61: willmake an image of your 360K, 1.2MB and 1.44MBdiskettes (from its boot area forward) andplace it in a file on your hard disk;diskette track/sector testing, data compress,
DFILL151.ZIP 27,371 10-27-92 DFILL v1.51 Utility for Filling Floppies 100%
DIRSPC20.ZIP 56,694 10-12-92 DIRSPACE v2.0: simple utility that providesusage information for your hard disk/displaycan run as TSR and be unloaded from memory;
DKP401.ZIP 156,674 08-02-92 EZ-DisKlone Plus v4.01 A "super" version ofDOS's DISKCOPY. Single pass duplication ofany DOS diskette. Compressed file images,compare, clean, fastformat, etc. Uses bioscalls, so works on almost any machine. Menuor command line operation. Single, multi,and network versions available.
DMATE201.ZIP 167,252 07-27-92 DiskMate v2.01: floppy disk organizer thatenables you to keep track of and label allthose 5¼" & 3½" floppy disks & to findfloppy disk files fast; menu-drivenw/pop-ups and pick lists; 07/27/92; RonStack/ Key Software
DMGPR231.ZIP 4,718 05-09-92 DmgPARK v2.31: TSR util that will park yourharddisk's heads after a period of harddiskinactivity; will park one or two disks inde-pendently of each other;05/09/92;Dan Goodell
DMSUTILS.ZIP 34,344 05-08-92 DMS Utilities
DOG317.ZIP 54,617 04-17-92 Disk OrGanizer v3.17: speeds up your diskaccess times by defragmenting files/removingdeleted entries from directories; supportsDOS4x/DOS5/EMS and drives as large as 4,095M;
DPEXPTTB.ZIP 1,981 10-10-92 Export daybook+ address book to text file
DRS122.ZIP 115,964 05-05-92 DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE Version 1.22 This isthe last Shareware version! The newestversion of the commercial release is in the2.00 series and reads ALL hard drives andrequires no inialization. It also hasbinary trace and will chain a program backtogeather as well as recovery text filesintact.
DRVFR.ZIP 7,307 09-15-92 FREEWARE Hard drive space available w/display
DRVSPC18.ZIP 10,059 06-19-92 DRVSPC v1.8: disk drive space and resourcereporting utility; supports DOS errorlevels;will report the amount of low DOS memory andtotal available memory and the status of theLPT1/LPT2 printer ports; can display diskcluster allocation and usage; 06/19/92;
DRVSPEEX.ZIP 0,373 05-09-92 Brian -- here is a doc file to include with
DSECURE.ZIP 7,475 08-29-92 Performs a safe wipe of erased files on adisk or floppy; 08/29/92; Garry J. Vass.
DSKLS262.ZIP 158,773 10-15-92 DISKLIST v2.62: produces diskette coverswith the directory contents for 5¼", 3½",and hard disks; reads all sub-directories;displays on the printer, screen or a file;IBM or ASCII
DTCFMT.ZIP 42,677 04-21-92 Data Technology Corp. Hardisk FormattingUtil.
DUPLIC.ZIP 2,501 04-22-92 FoxPro 2.0: A small routine to list adirectory of your hard disk to a DBF fileand flag duplicate or probable duplicatefiles. Requires DOS 5.0 and FoxPro 2.0. Source inc.
DXP203.ZIP 89,059 10-23-92 Disk eXPress v2.03 Create Self-ExtractDiskette Images
DZK4D304.ZIP 177,497 10-04-92 DiZk4D 3.04 The FIRST dizk cataloger createdspecifically for 4DOS. Unicorn Software Ltd.
EISACFG.ZIP 408,835 05-26-92 A collection of EISA .cfg files for EISA andISA Adapter boards
EZDKP401.EXE 139,507 08-09-92 EZ-DisKlone Plus - 1 pass duplicator thatalso stores comprtessed image files forlater retrieval. DOS verify, compare, etc.
EZ_FORMT.ZIP 1,878 04-07-92 Excellent Floppy Disk Format Utility. Youno longer need to know the DOS Switchesrequired for different disk media types. Accepts: 360k, 720k, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88MDrives A: or B:
FBR182.ZIP 15,616 07-12-92 File Backup and Restore - by Vern Buerg.
FDSDA.ZIP 85,431 07-20-92 Future Domain SCSI Device Analyzer Ver 1.0for Future Domain only, from their BBS.
FDSETUP.ZIP 62,675 07-20-92 Future Domain SCSI Setup Ver 1.3 Low levelformat on Future Domain only. From theirBBS.
FD_FDISK.ZIP 61,842 08-11-92 Future Domain FastDisk Driver Ver 1.1 Thisdriver allows Win 3.1 fastdisk services witha Future Domain SCSI. From their BBS.
FLOPTICA.ZIP 4,377 09-24-92 Floptical driver from Insite (req. ASPI)(10-21-92) From Always Technology.
FM46.ZIP 86,140 05-22-92 Format Master V4.6 - Menu Driven FloppyDrive Formatting Program.
FNDEX32S.ZIP 120,667 08-07-92 A fast filename indexer for floppy diskswith many features. Shareware. $15 Register
FORMNU22.ZIP 76,864 09-25-92 FORMENU v2.2 - FORmat MENU Enables you bothquickly and easily to format high and lowdensity diskettes correctly.
FSTAT104.ZIP 179,021 10-18-92 FileStat v1.04: useful util for keepingtrack of which files on your system areregularly used; includes a 9K TSR, aconversion pgm, & a program to produce asorted, printable text
GD14.ZIP 24,826 06-05-92 To quickly display available space on morethan one disk simultanelously.
GTBK21.ZIP 278,371 08-24-92 Superb GUI Backup program
HD10.ZIP 20,853 05-21-92 Hard Disk vr 1.0 - quick info about yourhard disk, fast and reliable. (EqUiNoX).
HDM2.EXE 57,488 07-03-92 Hard Disk Mirror 2 - a hard disk utility.
HDMIR2S2.ZIP 40,935 07-18-92 Latest version of the Hard Disk Mirror. Hassome important changes.
IBM506.ZIP 8,448 04-06-92 Fix For MFM, RLL, And ESDI Install ProblemsWith 2.0. This is A New IBM506.add File AndNot A Text Fix. (Reportedly Does Not FixProblem on All Machines.).
IDEID11.ZIP 24,237 05-12-92 Freeware; displays information on your IDEdrive's parameters and specifications, make,model and mfgr.
INCDROM.ZIP 6,267 09-17-92 Released version of CD Rom driver VCN: 330-8(09-17-92) From Always Technology.
INSTLL92.ZIP 47,362 06-27-92 Install program for your software...
JEMCAT.ZIP 682,729 09-21-92 Jem Disc CD-ROM File Listing and CatalogProgram. Lets you see What is on the DiscBefore you buy. purchased has been verypleased with it compared to other CD-ROMsthey have bought.
JUMBO254.ZIP 260,502 06-25-92 Colorado Memory Jumbo Tape Backup software. v2.54 Includes Windows capabilities.
KEYOFF11.ZIP 1,920 05-01-92 TSR which intercepts keystrokes and discardsthe keystroke entered on the command line
MAXFORM2.ZIP 22,593 05-08-92 Low level format utility for Maxtor IDE harddrives.
MBALRM11.ZIP 52,226 04-16-92 MEGAback Alarm Utility. Designed to be RunFrom Autoexec.BAT to Check Backup NeedsDaily.
MCP104.ZIP 23,777 09-22-92 Master Copy 1.04-Handles full floppies well! Allows moving as well as copying; canoverwrite destination files never, always,only if older, or only if different; etc
MCPDIAG.ZIP 474,265 11-07-92 Math co-prossesor diagnostic's program fromIntel
MEMSZ150.ZIP 74,614 10-22-92 System Resources Monitor Rev 1.5. Displaysfree memory and disk space, and monitors theswapfile size. It also can monitor CPUload. Source incl. Has English and Spanishtexts. Will monitor network drives again(there was a bug).
MUEZ112T.EXE 100,522 08-09-92 MENU-EZX - sets up your hard drive withmenus, passwords etc.
MULTVOL1.ZIP 15,993 04-17-92 Backup files larger than media. Auto splitsacross floppies.
MXTOR535.ZIP 1,149 10-27-92 Information about Maxtor 535 IDE Drive(s)
NFRMT11.ZIP 34,634 05-16-92 Format utility with a lot of new features.
NJQUOTE.ZIP 95,939 10-04-92 Nifty James Quote program w/Quotes file
ONEADAY1.ZIP 118,172 09-20-92 Runs programs at selected times of day / week
PAS16.ZIP 7,158 05-08-92 Updated PAS 16 cdrom driver. very small.
PCKPARMS.ZIP 7,056 04-22-92 Comprehensive list of parameters for PCKWIKPowerPak which includes Super PC-Kwik, theDisk Accelerator; 04/22/92; Multisoft Corp.
PDQ121.ZIP 88,277 10-04-92 PDQ Utils 1.21 is a set of matched utilitieswhich can make life easier for any hard diskuser. Includes a directorychanger,directory lister, file locator and atext file viewer. Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
PMCPL574.ZIP 183,535 05-02-92 PM-Cat Plus 5.7.4 05/02/92 release. Theultimate disk cataloging program nowFeatures File Management, Duplicate entrychecking, improved screen displays and more.
PMMEM.ZIP 16,145 06-04-92 PM Physical Memory usage monitor. Displaysas a bar chart and a percentage the amountof physical memory used by resident pages. Updated every 5 seconds.
POLY28.ZIP 53,508 10-19-92 Polycopy v2.80S: Diskcopy replacement makesmultiple copies of a disk w/only 1 pass ofthe original. Can also create/ restorediskette image files a la Teledisk.
PROBDESC.ZIP 189,587 07-07-92 Cache hardware problem diagnosis/troubleshooter from PKWare
PRTK11.ZIP 24,670 08-01-92 Add copy protection to your diskette 8/1/92
PSBR22.ZIP 121,989 08-20-92 Point & Shoot Backup & Restore v2.2 Safe &quick backups to floppies. Error checking &configuration options. (8-20-92).
PSFORMAT.ZIP 8,364 05-17-92 Excellent Floppy Disk format utility programIt makes disk formating a breeze.Menu driven!
PSJACK20.ZIP 47,362 09-20-92 ≡=- JACKET CREATOR v. 2-=≡ This is version2, ALMOST COMMERCIAL level, createcustomized disk jackets, with options like,adding The Print Shop Graphs, Files, andlots more, also behold the revolutionaryfold back feature, which allows you to cutout all the jackets simultaneously.
QCOPY40.ZIP 80,280 08-01-92 QCOPY v4.0: powerful & fast disk duplication& formatting util; reads only that portionof the data contained on the source disk;defragments files into one block on targetdisk & will transfer/create new label; makesone or multiple copies; supports mouse;
RADFMT11.ZIP 77,167 08-31-92 RADFMT v1.10: menu driven disk formattingutility that will address secondarycontrollers like the Compatticard IV; uses asmall data base for the physical drivenumbers; will not make system disks orformat a hard drive; 08/31/92; Ralph DiMaria.
RAIND112.ZIP 14,710 07-17-92 Read DEC Rainbow diskettes/files; Sydex
REBOOT1.ZIP 0,145 11-04-92 RB.COM
RIPPER.ZIP 25,621 04-16-92 Data manipulation tool that lets you changedisplay format, character/integer value,jump to file position, change a long integervalue and more;
RTBHL101.ZIP 95,649 05-05-92 RTHLPB v1.01: VGA directory backup, restoreand copy; mouse/keyboard; w/built-in help;05/05/92; Roger A. Tess/RT Systems.
SCSI_FMT.ZIP 92,709 08-12-92 Low level SCSI format program [AllControllers].
SDC312.EXE 109,633 08-09-92 Super DiskCopy - Simply put, a diskduplicating machine on a disk! It picks upwhere DOS diskcopy left off. Read masteronce and make as many copies as you wish. Store images, fastformat, clean, compare,etc.
SDCPY312.ZIP 111,826 07-20-92 SuperDiskCopy v3.12 The "DISKCOPY" that DOSforgot. Includes 1 pass copies, more. Easy.
SINCE10.ZIP 8,503 07-26-92 Reports changes to drive SINCE last timeSINCE was executed.
SM32.ZIP 181,554 10-04-92 Software Manager ver 3.2 This program Tracksall your Program (Software) by Disk Locationand keep information about your Programs atyour Finger Tips Plus MORE .......
SMRTDTXT.ZIP 8,887 07-18-92 SMARTdrive questions and answers -- fromMicroSoft.
SOFPAK21.ZIP 161,139 07-08-92 SofWin Laboratories SofPak v2.1: packageconsisting of pgms that measure your PC'score logic system, cache system, diskperformance and video memory performance ofstandard and local bus VGA systems; 07/08/92;
SP110.ZIP 227,595 09-30-92 SmartPhone is a reference source that helpsyou plan your calls for optimum use of phonerates. Shareware from Pinnacle Software
SPDBAK.ZIP 54,151 09-08-92 SpeedBak - powerful, safe, simple way torestore speed you once had on your hard drive
SPDBAK21.ZIP 48,829 08-14-92 SpeedBak v2.1: hard disk drive defragger;
SPINTIMX.ZIP 0,687 05-09-92 Brian -- here is a short DOC file forSpintime.zip -- it works fine and thanks
SSPACE10.ZIP 8,760 10-12-92 A utility to tell you how much disk spaceyou have left on your drives.
STAC201.ZIP 132,243 04-28-92 Updates of important files for Stacker 2.01. Will do you no good if you do not alreadyhave Stacker 2.0.
STACHELP.ZIP 8,281 04-05-92 Stac Electronics Technical Notes for Stackerversion 1.x and 2.0 (8 and 16 bit)
STACKER3.ZIP 6,153 10-27-92 Press release and other info on Stacker 3.0
STAC_OPT.ZIP 19,893 06-10-92 Docs on how to optimize Stacker with QEMM.
STOW190.ZIP 234,313 07-03-92 Stowaway from Patriquin! A true archivalsystem for the PC which frees hard diskspace by moving old or inactive files tofloppy disks. Stowaway features datacompression, auto disk formatting, and EASYrestore!
SUTIL268.ZIP 32,533 04-26-92 SUpreme UTilities v2.68 - Make multipleCopy/Move/Rename/Delete/... of files/dirsfrom Dos Command Line only by using a oneand only command.
TAPECABL.ZIP 2,445 09-13-92 Install a tape drive without losing your B:drive. This file describes an AIWA 250 MBtape in a clone 386.
TIMER10.ZIP 18,543 05-21-92 Timer -- track your time on hold (amongother things) (Visual Basic)
TLB_V202.ZIP 359,915 07-01-92 Latest version of the lastbyte memorymanager Must register to receive full benefit
TTLITE11.ZIP 98,355 10-28-92 TestTrak (tm) Lite V1.1: Automated testingsystem which simplifies and accelerates QAtesting of text-based applications. Can beused to test PC software & hardware. Records keystrokes and screens. Allowssingle step playback & comparison orautomated batch playback. Can also be usedto automate PC processes. Shareware ($55)from Syscon, Inc.
UNARCSB.ZIP 249,561 07-15-92 Thrifty Applications Simple Backup program
V11N15.ZIP 73,179 08-04-92 PC Mag's Vol 11 Issue 15 utils
VDSK.ZIP 28,495 09-29-92 Graphic display of disk space. Fast...
VESAKB.ZIP 12,069 04-30-92 Utility to test for VESA compatibility;displays list of supported modes withavailable video RAM for each mode; with Csource; 04/30/92; Steve Grider.
VGACPY46.ZIP 220,182 05-11-92 Disc-Copy with VGA and Soundblaster-SupportShareware (from Germany).
VOL11N10.ZIP 75,932 05-04-92 PCMagazine Utilities
VOL11N11.ZIP 322,301 05-19-92 PC Magazine Utilities vol.11 no.11
VOLTST10.ZIP 2,576 10-12-92 VolTest v1.0: utility to check the volumelabel on a disk and optionally compare it toa requested name; returns an errorlevel code
WAITDISK.ZIP 27,251 10-22-92 WaitDisk - Prompt user and wait for a diskidentified by Volume Label and/or SerialNumber to be placed into a specified diskdrive. Allows Disk Changes. Mouse Support.
WFF17.ZIP 76,886 09-02-92 What Floppy Format? V1.7: Menu shell forChristophe Hochstätter's FDFORMAT, a PDfloppy formatter that formats 3½" to 1.72Mb. WFF let's you set parameters & automaticallyuse them every time you format. Freeware!
WPCUGFS3.ZIP 52,881 09-07-92 WPcug free space utility:a free spaceutility that scans all drives except A & B,and reports on the ammount of free space oneach drive. It also reports free space onmapped Novel Network Drives.
WSSI522A.ZIP 181,354 06-03-92 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.22, part 1 of 2. Build database of directory info, any sizeDOS disks. Extract info from ARC, ARJ, LZH,ZIP, others. Extract image size and no. ofcolors from GIF, others. Add comments &categories to files and disks. Variety ofdatabase query/print opts. Reg $35, s/h$2.50 US/Canada, $4.50 foreign. ASP member.
WSSI522B.ZIP 117,211 06-03-92 Wssindex cataloger v. 5.22, part 2 of 2